Career Analysis Report

Career Analysis Report


Your career is a very important part of your life and Vedic Astrology can help you understand some very important questions such as : What to do & How to do that ? in order to find professional success. Our Vedic Astrologers use your birth details like time, date & place of birth and work on your birth chart to create a manually created report and analysis that is unique to just you, so you have the clear answers that you seek in career.

The Career Analysis Report will cover the following:

  • Career routes or areas suitable for you to succeed in work. Routes where you will face the least amount of resistance (we give a list of areas / industries suitable for you).
  • Suitable income source for you: Business (with or w/o partner) / Govt. job / Employment in the private sector / Sales, etc.
  • What would be most suitable for you – Job or Service? And if service, Private or Government service?
  • Suitable areas of work - consultancy, manufacturing, agency, service industries, research, etc.
  • Product / category suitable for you: banking & investment, art & culture, chemical / mechanical / computer engineering, architecture, media & entertainment, luxury items, metal / mining, farming, real estate, research, science & technology, etc.
  • Your periods of highest growth or golden period professionally.
  • Your strength, your personality type & goals in terms of career.
  • Your compatibility with your superiors, subordinates & professional partners.
  • Predictions in career up to 5 years that will cover promotion, transfer, problems, setbacks, & periods when you should avoid changes & need to be cautious.

Helpful Tips:

  • Will help a person with key concerns like change of job, change of line, from job to business or vice versa, and many such aspects.
  • Will help a person find answers for the low points in professional life.
  • Find out what needs to be changed and what to be retained to enjoy professional success.
  • You can ask a Question or have a webchat to discuss the report with the astrologer.

Report Size:

12 Pages


